The contents of this website was created by a Canadian team of registered dietitians. These professionals are sharing tips that they give to their patients in their practices in Ontario, British Columbia, and Quebec.
The recommended recipes are either our own or they are from websites we consulted. Most recipes were changed to make them suitable for the challenges of people undergoing treatment for head and neck cancer. The recipes were either “adapted”, meaning changed, or they were taken from a website and “translated”. All these original, adapted and translated recipes are included as PDFs on our website. Wherever we recommend original recipes, we included the link.
We would like to thank all creators of recipes we took inspiration from. Their websites are mentioned in the recipe files so people can easily find them.
Please note that the images of the recipe thumbnails do not always fully reflect how the prepared recipe will look like. Our recipes were chosen to motivate people to prepare foods. Most leftovers can be eaten a day later or frozen and reheated in portions.